Thursday, November 12, 2009

Training village, Here I Come!

Today I have packed my bags and have prepared myself to move up country to our training villages. I will meet my new family, start a garden, poo in a hole, eat with my hands and practice Mandinka a lot in the next few days and weeks. I am super excited to be leaving at to really be starting my cultural and language training in earnest but I have to say I will miss the internet. Saying that makes me feel horribly privileged.... who in the world has internet enough to miss it when its gone, not many.

On Monday they are having a naming ceremony where they will dress us up in Gambian clothes and give us a Gambian name after pretend shaving our head (some of the braver volunteers are acutally shaving their heads). Today we went to the market in Banjul and I bought material... one is a beautiful green, red and blue patterened fabric and one is a suprise... but have to say that once I make it into a dress and post the pictures you will all be super happy/excited about it. I also got cell credit. very exciting.

Ok, so I will be with out the internet for like 2 months. I will be back on and updating in the beginning of January.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear what your new name is - and what it means. So you are going to be fluent in Mandinka... I believe it was the language of Alex Haley's family in the movie, "Roots." Yea! You go girl!
