The rain has come and I love it.... well most of it. I love listening to it pounding on the
corrugate, I love the thunder and lightning and it is so much cooler that you can move and not be sticky. However all is not perfect with the rainy season, I HATE the
mosquitoes that have posted up residence in my village, I strongly dislike all the other bugs that have made their presence know in my life and I really don't
appreciate sliding and slipping all over the place when I walk down the road due to the mud. With all good comes some bad and whether I love it or hate it, it is only fleeting and will be gone in a few months.
Children really enjoyed the first rain,
in fact many danced and played and washed themselves in it. However, the
novelty soon wore off and it is rare to see them in the rain now.
The only exception I have to the bug hate is this little fellow... it is so cute (not a word I would usually associate with a bug). They are tiny and so bright and look like they are made out of the softest velvet, I just wanna pet them. I will refrain from petting because this is Africa and the likelihood that it is
poisonous seems high, especially since it's so cute.
That bug is gross!!!! I don't know how you put up with the bugs!!!!!!! Oh, and your cat is stinkin' adorable!